Friday, June 19, 2009

Never Too Busy?

Earlier this week, I had convinced myself that I was too busy at work to attend the Father's Day lunch at Mason's school on Thursday. Before we packed up the car Thursday morning, I explained to him that Daddy had lots of work to do and that I would not be able to attend. He was upset and asked why I could not go. Work, Daddy said.

Later that morning, as I sat at my desk, I asked myself "What would happen if this stuff got done an hour later?" "Could I finish this at home tonight?" The answers were "Not much" and "Yes". So, I hopped in the car and began the 30 minute commute to Mason's school.

I walked down the hall past the cafeteria heading outside to the Father's Day picnic. Miss Marcie, Mason's teacher, opened the door and got my attention. "Mason will be so happy to see you," she said. And, he was.

"Daddy!" he yelled as he jumped into my arms. I gave him a big squeeze and asked how his day was going. We walked outside, shared a hot dog, lemonade and a couple of cookies. Then we ran around the playground playing tag and tossing a ball back and forth. All in, I was only there about 25 or 30 minutes, but every minute was wonderful. I enjoy those times with Mason and this was a good reminder of why I should take more time with him.

I am so glad I went.

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